Thursday 4 February 2010

CD cover – Final

This is my final CD cover, for my pop song, ‘Should of said no.’ I chose a close up as the main image as it allows the listeners to know who the artist is, she is looking straight into the camera which welcomes the audience in. she is wearing white and black which makes her look sophisticated. The name of the artist is in the top left hand corner, I used the same font that I used for my poster in order to keep the genre the same, the name of the CD is below the artists name again in the same font as on the poster, I used yellow to write this is as it keeps is a bright colour and people will be able to see it from far away. I made my CD cover on photoshop and used butterfly brushes around the titles, this helps to keep the pop theme, and makes the CD cover look professional. Click the image to make it bigger.

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